This is where I get to figure you out. I want to know all about your style, the function of your space, and where you need me.
If you simply want a consultation on color choices, or tips on your furniture layout, or maybe just rearranging items on your bookcases, then you may just need a single consultation.
If you actually need a plan for your space with visualization boards, a source list, layouts, or a whole room install, the consultation is the first step of any larger project! This is the time to set the plan.

I love this challenge. If you already love your things and you just need a room-refresh, I can rearrange pictures, decorations, even furniture! Your room may seem drab to you, but I'll see it with fresh eyes, and tell you what's working, and what needs to change!
I also style rooms at the end of the final installation of larger projects. After buying the perfect pieces and accessories, I will arrange it all with just the right touch.
Do you have a tight space? Or too much space to know how what to do with it all!? Sometimes it's just such a large project and we need to get everything organized in a layout.
This is where I step in. Space planning helps to make each room functional and comfortable at the same time. I'll give you layout options and we will decide on the best plan.

Now this part is really fun! Depending on whether you don't have a clue what style you are going for and you need some major direction, or you know exactly what you want and would simply like it pulled together with the right pieces, colors and fabrics, a visualization board presentation is the first look of how it all ties together. It is the best way to picture your future designed space!
This is a useful tool for the busy bee DIY client. We have your room dimensions, we've talked out your style, I know your budget, and I've researched each piece to buy. Then just leave the rest up to me! I'll provide you with a list of website links for all of the appropriate pieces you will need and any instructions you need in buying them. This is offered in the E-Kit package.

Want to cut out any guesswork!? As an extra way to visualize your new space, get the full experience by adding super realistic 3D images of your room to your design plan!
When NAFASI handles the purchasing for you, it really takes a load off. I make sure that all of the specifics are ordered correctly, with certain fabrics, or custom pieces. I get all of the prices together for you on one clean simple invoice and you don't worry about a thing.
Every project always involves multiple vendors, and they will all have my contact information, so that my client only has to interact with me. I manage lead times and deliveries, and I will be there to receive your pieces if you are gone or at work. So take a breather, I got this one!

This part is huge. When completing a whole house project, or even just one room, a lot of different people play big roles in making it perfect. There are window treatment installers, painters, cleaners, carpenters, artisans, contractors, electricians, plumbers... Really depending on what the client needs, the people involved run the gamut. I work with representatives at showrooms, check in on the process of custom items, and provide quality control on-site at renovations.
With all of these interwoven pieces, I organize, prioritize, schedule, and communicate with everyone to keep your home on track and beautiful!. If you already have a full time job, it won't be easy to manage a huge project like this. Having NAFASI manage it for you let's you relax while I report back on any updates!
After we've picked everything out for your space, we've painted, we've shopped and picked out the perfect wall art and shelf-candy, the most rewarding part is the installation! You don't want to skimp here. Sometimes just the styling and placement of your books and pictures on your shelves will make or break a nice room versus a well planned and designed room. Plus, I can do it all while you're gone at work!