What a rush! We purchased a house and in the following 9 months, we lived in it, gutted it, designed it, renovated it, furnished it, styled it, photographed it, and sold it!! I can't believe our first flip was such a success. It doesn't always go that way. Here are some pics along the way....
A lot of things glued over nice wood floors, and a LOT of scraping.
Oh, and meanwhile we also got pregnant too!

Supervising the porch painting.
Aaaaand bought a new house in Charleston, SC during a 1 week visit....

This may have been one of the most stressful times of my life, with a lot of things going on. I guess that explains why it isn't being posted about until 3 years later! And I have too much footage of this not to post about it. So I'll back up and write about everything we did... but if you're the type that needs instant gratification, you can see the final results at any time in my portfolio, don't worry. :) Thanks for following along!
Giddy to move!